Customer Relation Telemarketing Co.,Ltd.|CRTM



1. Information security objectives
The information that we hold contains a lot of important information, including personal information of our customers. We believe that it is essential to protect such important information from various problems such as falsification and leakage in order to gain the trust of our customers and develop our business together. We have established this basic policy as a guideline for the protection of our customers' and our company's information.
2. Policy Scope
The scope of this basic policy is as follows.
(1) Organizational scope: All organizations and departments of the Company
(2) Human resources: All employees, etc. of the relevant organizations and departments.
(3) Scope of information assets: Information assets in our possession
3. Behavioral guidelines
To ensure information security, we have established an Information Security Committee to develop and continuously maintain an information security management system. We will provide the necessary resources to maintain and improve it.
We will establish and implement an internal audit system to regularly monitor ISMS operations. We will repeat planning, implementation, inspection, and review to ensure compliance with regulations and rules, similar to a spiral operation.
All employees will be responsible for reporting information security incidents and weaknesses that may lead to incidents.
4. Employee awareness and education
The Company will conduct the necessary education, training, and enlightenment to ensure that all employees are fully aware of the importance of information security and of the contents of the information security manual, so that everyone can carry out their duties with a common security policy.
All employees shall understand the importance of information security, and any employee who violates the Basic Policy on Information Security and commits an intentional act, such as jeopardizing the protection of important information, will be subject to disciplinary and legal penalties.
The End.

Enacted September 1, 2009.
Revised on October 1, 2019
Customer Relation Telemarketing Co.,Ltd.
Kanako Ito, President