Customer Relation Telemarketing Co.,Ltd.|CRTM



Becoming the most "Thanked" company in the world.

We will continue to deliver the best possible excitement to everyone involved through One to One Communication.
We offer unique solutions and customer-attentive ideas to revolutionize CRM in Japan.
We strive to enrich lives by listening to customers voices.
We always pursue the best possible results and aim to be the most valuable partner.

One Customer One Operator

We do not practice predictive dialing, which is often used in the call center industry.
This is because we consider "communication" itself to be our main product, and we believe that our company is chosen because we build a relationship of trust with our customers by having one operator per customer on a permanent basis in order to improve the quality of our services.

Diversity, Equity&Inclusion

We believe that providing opportunities for all executives and employees, regardless of their background, with the resources and support they need to succeed in their work and to play an active role will lead to increased corporate value. We have established a promotion system for realizing DE&I, centered around the Sustainability Committee, and are carrying out various initiatives across the Group.



CRTM's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiative


Raising understanding and awareness and fostering a culture

We respect the diverse personalities and values of our employees and strive to create an organizational culture in which each individual can maximize their aptitude and capabilities. As part of this, we provide diversity education to all employees, and strive to increase understanding of differences based on attributes such as women, seniors, and people with disabilities, basic knowledge about LGBTQ, and work-life balance, including childcare and nursing care. Through this training, we aim to foster an awareness of accepting various values in all employees and to promote the creation of an organization in which diverse human resources can thrive.


※This is an example of an article distributed internal portal site, focusing on diversity and introducing organization-wide initiatives.



※The company values diversity and employs a strategy of 'recruitment without bias', a strategy that links each individual's unique characteristics to their competitiveness.


※Develops each layer of the workforce into highly productive individuals through comprehensive training, coaching, motivation, and performance-based incentives, cultivating a culture of continuous improvement and motivation that drives sustained high performance throughout the organization. We also offer flexible career options by providing the best working conditions according to suitability, values and career phase, regardless of whether you pursue a full-time or part-time commitment.



【Select month of joining】    

Starting with the 2020 graduates, we have introduced a "Select Your Month of Joining" system, which allows new graduates to join the company in three months: April, July, and October. This allows employees to take on things they wish to do as students or to try new things before joining the workforce.



【Thorough assistance and support for new operators】    

We assign one "rounder" to each floor to act as a mentor to new operators and provide support. Since our mission is to ensure that new operators stay on the job, we have designed a system where they are always on the floor and can provide full support.




Work-life balance and diverse working styles


【Work-life balance】    

We are working to support the realization of work-life balance by providing an environment and system that allows all employees (including full-time employees, part-time employees, and contract employees) to choose diverse and flexible working styles.



【Flexible work system】    

In order to realize the active participation of more human resources, we have adopted a system called "VPC (Value Pack Center)" that allows employees to work from home. We aim to create an environment where people who want to balance work with nursing care or childcare, who want to prioritize work-life balance, and who have difficulty coming to the office can work more efficiently.




※VPC image. Flexible working options by working from home as well as from the centre.



Initiatives to promote women's participation in the workplace

We believe that it is essential for corporate value to enhance the activities of our executives and employees, regardless of gender, and are therefore proactively working to promote the participation of female employees in DE&I, in particular. Considering that female employees are more likely to be restricted in the way they work depending on their life stage, we are promoting diverse working styles that take into account work-life balance, such as working from home, reduced hours, and flextime, across the entire group. Going forward, we will continue to strive to create a working environment where women can play an even greater role and easily choose flexible working styles that suit their lifestyles.



※This table shows the proportion of full-time female employees and the percentage of women in management roles, illustrating efforts aimed at enhancing gender diversity and inclusivity within the organization.


Women's Empowerment Promotion Project "kirari"

This is a system to support women's participation in the workplace that was born from the voices of female employees. By encouraging interaction between female employees across company boundaries across the entire group, we support the promotion of women's participation in the workplace at each stage of life. As an example of past efforts, we have held roundtable discussions for the purpose of interaction and information exchange between experienced mothers and members who will soon be giving birth or raising children, fostering a network among employees. In addition, by making improvements to the in-house environment based on the opinions of female employees expressed at these discussions, we will create an even more comfortable working environment.



※Article that highlights our efforts to empower and advance women within the organization; moreover, it explores Japan's legal frameworks promoting women's active participation and career progression. This important content is available on our internal portals, providing valuable insights for all stakeholders.




【Career Training Program】    

This seven-month training program is aimed at female employees who are candidates for managerial positions. It will contribute to raising awareness of promotion to managerial positions and fostering horizontal connections among women across the entire Group, transcending the boundaries between companies.



【BaBeeMama System】    

We partner with company-run childcare facilities to support the diverse working styles of employees with children by allowing them to leave their children in childcare facilities near the workplace.





Employment of people with disabilities

We are working to create employment opportunities and promote the active participation of people with disabilities throughout the entire group. We aim to enable all executives and employees to play active roles, regardless of whether they have a disability or not, and strive to allow them to perform their duties according to the level of their disability and their individual capabilities. In addition, specialized support staff are always on-site at our subsidiary satellite offices to check on health management and medical attendance status, as well as to provide support in terms of daily life and work, such as regular interviews, to provide an environment where people with disabilities can work comfortably. We will continue to support everyone, regardless of whether they have a disability, so that they can work comfortably.



【Heartful Allowance】    

We provide a "Heartful Allowance" to employees with disabilities to support their employment. Employees can apply for it voluntarily, and information will not be disclosed to anyone other than the person in charge within the company.



Actual employment rate of people with disabilities: 2.24% (as of June 1, 2023)




Promoting understanding of SOGI (LGBTQ+)

We promote understanding of and support for sexual minorities, including LGBTQ. We employ diverse talent regardless of gender, age, or nationality, and strive to create an environment in which all of our talent can work while respecting each other's values and circumstances.



【Promoting understanding among managers】    

In order to deepen managers' understanding of sexual orientation and gender identity, we provide explanations at training sessions held once a year.



【Respecting individual wishes】    

If an employee wishes to transition or work as their preferred gender, we will respond to that request individually.



【Company health checkups】    

To ensure employees can feel at ease, health checkups are conducted at hospitals rather than within the company.



【Raising awareness of sexual harassment prevention】    

Posting sexual harassment prevention posters within the company and posting warnings on the company intranet.



【Setting up a consultation desk】    

We have set up a consultation desk hotline and email form exclusively for employees, and have put in place a system where employees can make consultations anonymously.




Promoting the success of global human resources

We respect diversity and actively recruit talented people from around the world. In addition, by employing foreign managers, we foster leadership with an international perspective and increase our competitiveness in business development in a global environment.


【Hiring foreign employees and managers】    

Government-related work requires support in multiple languages, so we actively hire foreign employees who can do this.





External evaluation and certification

※Main external evaluations and accreditations.