Solicitation Policy
When selling financial products, etc., CRTM will comply with various laws and regulations, consider fairness among policyholders, and conduct appropriate sales activities. CRTM will conduct sales activities in good faith, respecting the wishes of our customers from their perspective, while giving consideration to their privacy. As professionals in the field of financial products, CRTM will strive to acquire knowledge and improve our abilities, and always provide the best possible service.
1. Compliance with laws and regulations
(1) When soliciting sales of financial products, etc., CRTM will place the highest priority on compliance with laws and regulations, company policies, rules, and procedures (hereinafter referred to as "laws and regulations, etc.").
(2) CRTM will strive to strengthen the compliance system, including thorough education and guidance on compliance with laws and regulations.
2. Proposing the most suitable products
(1) When soliciting sales of financial products, CRTM will endeavor to propose the most suitable products in light of the customer's purpose of enrollment, income and assets, and family structure, etc. CRTM will also ensure that the operations are managed in accordance with the standards, etc. established by the company, and will give consideration to fairness among policyholders.
(2) When selling risk products such as foreign currency, denominated insurance and variable annuities, CRTM will endeavor to propose products that meet the needs of the customers, paying due attention to their purpose of purchase, investment experience, age, knowledge, assets, and income status.
3. Appropriate solicitation
(1)CRTM will give due consideration to the time of solicitation so as not to disturb the peace and quiet of the clients' work and life.
(2) CRTM will always treat the clients in a moderate manner and will never act in an intimidating or abusive manner that may cause significant embarrassment.
(3)When selling life insurance, non-life insurance, or other financial products, CRTM will clearly distinguish between the products and the underwriting insurance companies so as not to mislead customers.
(4)When soliciting or selling products without direct face-to-face contact with customers (e.g., mail-order sales), CRTM will make efforts to ensure that customers understand the products by devising explanations and other methods.
4. Explanation of important matters, etc.
(1) With respect to the contents of the contract and important matters concerning the contract, CRTM will endeavor to provide written documents such as "Policy Booklet and Policy Conditions" and "Important Matters Explanatory Document" to ensure that the customer fully understands the contract before enrolling. In addition, CRTM will use appropriate recruitment materials such as "brochures" in accordance with the company's regulations.
(2)CRTM will periodically conduct training and study sessions on product details, matters that should be explained to customers, matters that should be taken into consideration when explaining, and explanation methods, etc., and strive to strengthen the system to provide sufficient explanations to customers.
5. Protection of customer information
From the viewpoint of protecting the privacy of the customers, CRTM collects and uses information about the customers only to the extent necessary for the business, and handles it appropriately through strict management. For more information on how the personal information is handled, please refer to the "Personal Information Protection Policy".